リサイクルガラス瓶から作ったオブジェを配した枯山水アート空間。 「循環する命とつながっていく宇宙」をコンセプトとした空間です。 役割を終えたガラスは、新しい命として生まれ変わり 未来に繋がっていきます。 光=ガラスが配置された庭は、 虚と実、無と有が繋がっていく宇宙を描くシンボルです。 "Eternal Affinity" is made of the object by melting recycled glass bottles that lived with us. The life of a living thing circulates and is connected forever like light and water. It is an art space that can be think about the relationship between universe and your own existence.
 ガラスオブジェのあちこちには、ビンの底や飲み口のネジ部の面影を残し、人と暮らしを共にした容器の記憶を閉じ込めています。 His method of using molten recycled bottles has a purpose that is two fold. One, to help preserve the environment and two, to help preserve the memory of the individuals who used the bottels. A concept that produces reborn structures that are physically momentary and psychologically eternal.
 Still evident in some parts of the new structures are clearly visible remanence of the original glass bottles they were born from.
 Another favorability of the use of glass structures in Nishinaka’s Zen gardens, is the unique ability to take advantage of light and moon reflections at night. An unparalleled characteristic that no traditional zen garden made with natural stone can produce. 共同研究:日本耐酸壜工業株式会社 Collaborative Development : NihonTaisanbin Glass Bottle Mfg. Co. Ltd.
◆コンセプト映像◆ ▶︎2020 The World Media Festivals GOLD AWARD 金賞受賞 ,http://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/videos/buw8yYvDJ7k,,{"playerWidth":"640","useCustom":false,"autoPlay":false,"autoLoop":false,"autoNext":false,"quality":"default","qualityName":"自動","coverImage":""} |